I know one thing for certain: silence will not present itself unbidden amid the noise of the world. If I want it, I have to make space for it, and there is always a choice to make that space. … And in our time now, every decision in favor of silence is profound, even if it involves no more than deliberately turning away other things for hours or days in a week.
Jane Brox
Leni Stern, “Bury Me Standing”
Here’s another post of mine from Larry Haley’s The Bop Shop.
New York City-based Leni Stern — singer/songwriter/guitarist (both she and her husband Mike Stern studied the instrument at Berklee) — collaborated with Larry John McNally (you’ll know his “The Motown Song”, a big hit for Rod Stewart) on this song of resignation and defiance. It’s based on the Roma (Gypsy) proverb of Manush Romanov: “Bury me standing. I’ve been on my knees all my life.”
Very nice Hammond B-3 work by George Whitty!